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Chiropractic offers an effective form of therapy for the treatment of most injuries to your Nerves, Joints, Tendons, and Muscles (Neuromusculoskeletal System). We work with our patients to identify the trauma that has led to a specific injury, allowing us to plan effective treatment programs. We carefully evaluate every patient and use the body’s natural design to determine the best course of action.
Spinal/Joint Adjustments or Manipulation can be very effective in the treatment of injuries to your spine and other joints, however, the doctors at Glenora Chiropractic Clinic do not always adjust the spine or joints.
They may incorporate a variety of modalities such as:
Active Release Technique
Graston Techniques
Exercises and Stretches
Laser Therapy
Radial Shockwave Therapy
Motor Nerve Stimulation or TENs
These along with other recommendations may be administered with full consideration of your needs and concerns.
Our team offers individualized physical therapy programs to treat various conditions. We start with a comprehensive assessment of each patient and then design an approach to heal the specific injury or condition. Our programs are able to help prepare patients for surgery and aid them in their recovery process. We also have long-term strategies for those living with chronic conditions.
Physical therapy is an effective way of promoting mobility, function, and rehabilitating damaged tissue.
We treat musculoskeletal pain, joint pain, deep tissue injuries, and various conditions including:
Arthritis and osteoarthritis
Ankle sprains and instabilities
Back and neck pain
Carpel tunnel syndrome
Gait and balance problems
Runners’ and sports injuries
Shoulder dislocations
Women’s health issues
Our athletic programs focus on rehabilitation and injury prevention, using an exercise-based approach. This minimizes the risk of recurring injuries, giving athletes the best chance at returning to peak performance.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy helps alleviate pain and discomfort caused by everyday stress or over-use of muscles and tendons. By manipulating the muscles and connective tissue, massage therapy helps release the pain in your problem areas. This helps improve mobility, circulation, reduces muscle tension, and helps keep your lymphatic system functioning at its best.
Massage therapy has also proven to have diverse physiological effects on the body. You don’t need to be injured or in pain to get a massage therapy. It can be used as a tool to help facilitate your general well-being. Many people seek massage therapy regularly to help them perform at their best and feel positive about themselves. Massage therapy relaxes your body and increases overall circulation. After just one session at Glenora Chiropractic & Physical Therapy clinic, we promise you will feel some relief in pain or stress.
This traditional form of Chinese medicine can be an effective method of pain relief for a plethora of conditions including:
Back and neck pain
Chronic headaches
Facial or dental pain
Chemotherapy-induced and postoperative nausea and vomiting
Acupuncture uses extremely thin needles to stimulate nerves, muscle, and connective tissue. Each treatment involves inserting these needles just below the surface of the skin as the patient is encouraged to relax for several minutes.
Sessions include three stages:
1. Insertion: thin, sterile needles are inserted under the skin.
2. Manipulation: The acupuncturist may gently move the needles or
apply mild electrical pulses to optimize results.
3. Removal: Patients are invited to relax for 10-20 minutes before the
practitioner removes the needles.
We do a complete assessment of each patient before beginning treatment to ensure that they are a suitable candidate for acupuncture. The initial consultation takes approximately one hour and results are typically best with several treatments over the course of a few weeks.
Custom Foot Orthotics
An ‘orthotic’ is a device designed to restore your natural foot function. Many ‘biomechanical’ (walking) complaints such as heel pain, knee pain and lower back pain are caused by poor foot function. Orthotics re-align the foot and ankle bones to their neutral position, thereby restoring natural foot function.
Benefits of Custom Foot Orthotics
1. Foot orthotics are effective in alleviating pain in the feet and in treating conditions impacting other parts of the body, such as the ankles, knees, legs, hips, and lower back.
2. According to research studies, athletes who wear custom foot orthotics benefit from improved athletic performance and reduced risk of injury. In addition, orthotics allow for more even weight distribution, taking pressure off of sore spots (e.g. the ball of the foot, corns in between toes, bunions etc.) and providing shock absorption.
3. Clinical studies have also proven that custom-made orthotics decrease foot pain and provide superior comfort during everyday activities such as walking.
Some common conditions associated with needing foot orthotics include:
Runner’s Knee
Shin Splints
Achilles Tendonitis
Plantar Fasciitis
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Sacroiliac Syndrome
Piriformis Syndrome
Calluses and Corns
Heel Spurs
Morton’s Neuroma
Diabetic Foot
Arthritic Foot
Custom Foot Orthotics
Our partnered clinic, River City Orthotics, offers custom foot orthotics that combine comfort with performance to help ease pain, improve alignment, and reduce stress or strain as you move. Your custom-made foot orthotic will fit into one of three main categories: accommodative orthotics, rigid orthotics, or semirigid orthotics. The type of orthotics you receive will depend on your daily activities, location of injury, and condition. After selecting the type of orthotics right for you, your healthcare professional will further personalize your orthotics based on your gait, footwear, and unique needs. Your personal treatment plan will include not only the most comfortable foot orthotics, but also education on lifestyle habits to help promote healing and prevent re-injury.
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